Hang Loose Gathering 2020


October 16-18th we commence with Hang Loose Gathering, a Sound Healing Gathering focused on workshops with Handpans, Sound Healing Sessions, Yoga & Therapeutic movement classes as well as local organic vegan based meals through the entire experience.

October 12th-16th will be a Handpan Residency. This immersion will be a deep sound exploration over 4 days of magical practices, activating of our senses to feel more, to listen more & to create more heart connections through our lessons and through the Pantam/Handpan we are deeply inspired by. Our daily schedule & exact routine for each of the 4 days will be announced after the purchase has been completed & all participants (max 20) will have committed to there experience with us here. Local rates for Kamaina will apply as there may be guests living off site please email for inquiries.

About Hang Loose

Hang Loose Festival is a one of a kind, inclusive, holistic gathering of music and human loving humans. This event will be Pantam centered but elegantly woven with the strong concept of sound as medicine. There will be offerings supporting and cultivating the body/mind/spirt connection . We are so very happy to be creating this space for Yoga, Bodywork Therapies, Sound Healing, Ritual, and Being with Nature. We will be enjoying local vegan cuisine and a true deep dive into the Magic of the Island. The deepest intention for "Hang Loose" gathering is for our collective group of sound alchemists, artist & creative beings around the world to come together & share their love for sound. Across time and space, in so many cultures, sound is actively integrated into ceremonies throughout the world. Civilizations and Sacred Sites are built with and around the concept and calling of sound as spirit. We celebrate these moments in time to give beings space to come together with sound sculptures and voices for healing purposes. May we feel deeper, breathe longer, & ultimately be more aware of all the wonderful moments we can share in peaceful places within nature. This gathering is a calling, not for performance but more so for prayer and reflection. Our collective vision is activating our sense organs in order to feel more of one another in different ways. We will resonate and relish in sound, song, silence and the sacred elements. In this way we Dream the Dream into existence.


The location of Hang Loose is a sacred site nestled deep on North Shore of Maui. It is a private estate only a short distance from powerful waves & waterfalls. The space is ripe for connection and close enough to explore so many wonders of the isle. The details & actual address will be disclosed as we receive full non-refundable payment to secure each person’s entry. Entry will include for everyone the opportunity to enjoy the Aina (land, fresh vegan based meals & incredible line-up of amazing artists, sounders, creatives and friends.

The nearest airport is Kahului and is about a 30 minute drive. We are planning a pickup service from the airport the first day of the gathering. Also is possible to rent a car or use the Maui Bus service. 

There is space for participants to camp on the  land as well many hotels, air bnb's and spaces to rent for the weekend. We will be offering as much guidance as we can in finding wonderful spaces for those who are not up for the rustic camping experience.

We have been developing retreats & teacher trainings of all types around the world with base locations in Thailand, Indonesia, Italy, Holland & Russia. Now is our time with the support of Mama Pacita, The Hawaiian islands & local Hawaiian Ohana as well as the timing with holding space in one location for small community based gatherings 1-2 times per year in order to give back energy to the land & people that have nourished so many.


Hang Loose Family

Events like this take a family of artists, crafters, organizers, volunteers, and creative movers and shakers. If you would like to be involved please contact us via email with a few paragraphs on what you are inspired to offer. There is a need for kitchen help, general flow keepers, land workers, bodyworkers and sound healing practitioners.

We also encourage and invite a general vibe of teamwork and service. We need each other and we know it and celebrate it.

So please come prepared to receive and reciprocate!

Purchase Your Ticket:

  • All Access Hang Loose and Hand Pan Residency - $1700

    *Early Bird Pricing* $1000

  • 4 Day Hang Loose Pass - $499

  • Single Day Hang Loose Pass - $125 per day

  • Hand Pan Residency - $